The course "Сrowdfunding in Action: how to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives" was created as part of the SEIDE@CRO project Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Digital Era: Crowdfunding Toolbox as Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education (Project number: 2021-1-EL01 -KA220-ADU-000033592).
The e-course duration is 3-4 weeks (3 modules including 12 topics), which involves 24 hours of learners efforts. Learners can choose their own rhythm of study depending on individual needs and opportunities.
Every topic includes:
- video - 1 video materials creating in project (minimum 1 video with duration is 1-3min)
- lecture texts - presentation format
- practical work on learners crowdfunding project (individual tasks, checking the performed work of other students)
- test module